Featured Portfolios
15 galleries
This collection of galleries represents personal work. Contact the studio for additional images, to schedule a visit and to inquire about sizes and prices.
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465 images
106 imagesFine art reproduction and photography of 2D and 3D works of art, including pastels, oil and acrylic, fiber with metal, watercolor, ceramics. Camera systems include 4x5 digital scanning with Better Light system with files suitable for high quality reproduction with sublte highlight details and accurate color matching.
157 imagesThese plant portraits were created in the studio. Many of them (the smaller specimens) are featured in the book "Little Flowers with Big Attitude".
72 imagesStructures relating to agriculture show design unique to the function for which they were built.
123 images
62 imagesAfter the blooms and blossoms die and fade, the seed pods hold new life. Likewise the leaves and stalks provide nutrients for other plant life as they decompose.
20 imagesUnconventional urban landscapes and slices of time from midtown New York City.
81 imagesThis group of photos started with a commission earlier in 2020 to create an image with specific items (props and flowers) and in the still life style of the Netherlandish painters in the 1500-1700s. Check back in for new additions or subscribe to email newletter for monthly updates. All are available as bespoke prints in sizes 8x8/8x10 and larger starting at $75 or in sets of notecards. Sales of prints are by email/phone or appointment only. For notecards, visit Greeting Card Gallery.
69 imagesPublicity portraits that are inviting and represent the qualities of the individuals wish to project. They can be done either in the studio or on location.
42 imagesNever in a million years would I have thought I would enjoy Sweet 16 parties as I have photographically. This crowd likes their photo opps and I oblige. They play and I play.
88 imagesImages emphasizing patterns and other unique charactertics of various trees and vines.
43 images